If you are skinny, flat chest, tiny arms and beer belly!!

I have been doing some training for 2 years. I was a really skinny guy, flat chest, tiny arms and beer belly! Totally out of shape!! Then one day, I realise why don't I go online and look for some proven training program and start trying something.

After 2 weeks of commitment, my work mate asked me,
"Hey dude! have you been working out?"

Then I realised, holly cow! its working! from then on, I have been working out for 2 years.

Here you go! I am going to share some good info of my work out, where I learned from. check out all the video I have collected in my blog, follow these program, it will work for you!

All you gotta do is! Do It!!

Follow this blog, I am on going look for better programs and training method, I will keep you guys posted, Let's super fit together!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Work out planning Day 1 - Chest!

Hey Ladies and Gentlemen, Good day!

I am really glad if you are reading this! I am always excited to help my friends out to get fit!

 I will on going to share my personal experience on how to gain muscle and get fit for a skinny guy like me.

 I am 6'1 and I have been skinny for almost 30 years. well then I get a little beer belly after 30th. My sister make fun of me that after I turn 30 I became a skinny beer belly dude, totally out of shape~~ But today, every time I see my sister, she can never make fun of me anymore! she actually asked me question how to get her husband and her fit.

 Here you go my tips - work out day 1, chest!! Normally chest is the best work out for everyone once you get use to it.

 As a real skinny person, all you gotta do is build up your chest bit by bit, there isn't any short cut, just do it! follow these videos, it will work. you don't have to lift super heavy weight, just good enough for you to feel the posture and movement during the first week. Don't go too hard on yourselves at this stage which will scare you away.

 Take it easy, but follow exactly all the movement , reps and make sure your posture is correct! otherwise you will hurt yourselves.

 Tips#1 - If you are a newbie in the gym, ask people around you, don't feel shy. Trust me, these people who has massive muscle love helping people to get to their goal, you!.

And plus they can't wait to show you what they know :P

 Tips#2 - If you know any friend who constantly working out, ask him/her for some opinion. They will love to help you too! And the best part is maybe you will become their gym buddy, which also help him/her too.

 Alrighty! don't hesitate! I know you want to get in shape! Go to the gym now!!! I am off to gym, talk later!!!


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